These demanding customers expect our best offers. Our major research focuses on themes; Acrobat, Ali Baba, Alsatian, Amalthea, Amphitrite, Angel, Apollo, Archer, Harlequin, Athlete, Bacchus, Bather, Bar, Boat, Bathing beauty, Baby, Jewelry box, Tobacco box, Butcher, Candle holder, Bottle, Bust, Cain, Ashtray, Centerpiece, Mushroom, Candlestick, Charleston, Charlie Chaplin, Knight, Chocolate, Clown, Columbine, Fighter, Fruit bowl, Cup, Jug, Cook, Cook, Dancer, Nude dancer, Half dolls, Damsel, Naked lady, Under-plate, Devil, Diana Huntress, Discobolus, Schoolboy, Schoolgirl, Scotsman, Writing desk, Elf, Ink, Child, Fencing, Fairy, Woman nude, Farmer, Party, Figurine, Girl, Little girl, Flamenco, Flower, Fountain, Foot, Football, Blacksmith, Franklin, Fruit man, Boy, Geisha, Gentleman, Gladiator, Golf, Golfer, Groom, Half Doll Pin cushions, pincushion, Dutch, Naked man, Oil, Icarus, Intoxication, Gardener, Jockey, The kitchen, The big sip, The justice, The harvest, The birth, The sower, The victory, The vine, The garden, The thinker, The awakening, The shooting star, The egg, Magnifying glass, Goblin, Sick, Sleeve, Made up.
Animals are also at the center of our research; Eagle, Egret, hunting animal and animals, farm animals, domestic animals, wild animals, Spider, Ostrich, Bambi, Borzoi, Basset, Ram, Shepherd, Doe, Goat, Bulldog, Boxer, Pike, Buzzard, Cockatoo, Duck, Caribou, Deer, Cetacean, Camel, Cat, Horse, Goat, Dog, Nasty dog, Puppy, Owl, Ladybug, Pig, Cocker Spaniel, Hummingbird, Necklace, Dove, Rooster, Cougar, Crab, Crocodile, Crustacean, Swan, Dolphin, Dragon, Dromedary, Elephant, Snail, Etruscan, Pheasant, Fawn, Falcon, Warbler, Fox Terrier, Giraffe, Frog, Cheetah, Heron, Owl, Hippopotamus, Swallow, Lobster, Horus, Insects, Jaguar, Labrador, Rabbit, Leopard, Greyhound, Lizard, Dragonfly, Hare, Lion, Lioness, Wolf, Mammal, Marabou, Kingfisher, Goose, Bird, Bird of prey, Bear, Panther, Peacock, Butterfly, Perch, Parrot, Pigeon, Penguin, Fish, Foal, Fox, Rhinoceros, Wild boar, Snake, Setter, Monkey, Bull, Tiger, Turtle, Toucan, Cow, Calf, because collectors are fond of it.
We are constantly looking for style objects; Animal style, Art & Craft style, Art Deco style, Art Nouveau style, Baroque style, Chippendale style, Cubist style, Empire style, Gothic style, Louis XV style, Louis XVI style, Modern style, Neoclassical style, Queen Anne style, Regency style, Rococo style, Romantic style, Simms style, Traditional style, Victorian style, Vintage style, Advertising style, Masonic style, Sexy style, Erotic style, Collector style, Nude and naked style, Mythological style, Authentic style, Handmade style, Artwork.
The sculptors we find in our collections are: Altdorp, António Teixeira Lopes, Barbella, BASTE, Bernini, Beryman, Bojiee, Botero, Bouvraine, Bruno Zack, Burnett, Canova, Carrier, Carvin, Cassel, Cavana, Cegaro, Cenzl, CESARI, Cesaro, Chiparus, CLAUDE, Clodion, COENRAD, Colinet, Comolera, Coysevox, De Coux, DEBUT, Delabrierre, Desmeure, Drouot, Ernst Barriaz, Fagel, Felix Charpentier, Francois, Fratin, Frishmuth, Gardet, Gennarelli, Giambologna, Godard, GORINI, Gossin, Gregoire, Guillemin, Guiraud Riviere, Hagays, Hos Mia, Isabelle, Joan Barye, Johann Nepomuk Geiger, Juan Carla, Jules Jouant, Julien, Juno, Kowamczewski, KUCHLER, Lafon Mollo, LANGER, Laporte, Laurel, Le Conneti, LEONARD, Leroux, Louie, LOYS POTET, Luelo, Marbeck, Martin Van Maele, Mayer, Maziere, MENE, Michelangello, Milo, Mme Leon Bertaux, MOIGNIEZ, MORANTE, Moreau, MYRON, Nick, Noee, Otto Poerttzel, Patoue, Paul Avril, Paul Ponsard, Pautrot, Peter Breuer, Peter Fendi, PETRE, PHILIPPE, Philips, Pierre Collinet, PIERRE JULES MENE, Pierre Le Faguays, Pitta Luga, Plat, POTTER, Preifs, Rauch, RIGE, Rodin, Rombaut, Rubin, Schmidt Felling, Stoly, Szczeblewski, Thorburn, Titze, Tony Noel, Valton, Weinman, Zheng.